Play - To engage in activities for enjoyment or recreation., Eat - To consume food., Drink - To consume liquids., Walk - To move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn., Run - To move swiftly on foot., Read - To look at and comprehend the meaning of written or printed matter., Write - To mark letters or words on a surface., Speak - To talk., Listen - To give attention to sound or action., See - To perceive with the eyes., Watch - To look at or observe attentively., Jump - To push oneself off a surface into the air using the legs., Swim - To move through water by moving one's body., Cook - To prepare food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients., Dance - To move rhythmically to music., Sing - To produce musical tones with the voice., Draw - To produce a picture or diagram by making lines and marks., Clean - To make something free from dirt or disorder., Drive - To operate and control the direction and speed of a vehicle., Open - To move something to make an opening., Close - To move something to cover an opening., Look - To direct your gaze at something., Make - To create or produce something., Buy - To purchase something with money., Sell - To give something in exchange for money.,

A2. Action Verbs : with definitions



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