When it's boiled hot isn't good for go sailing. - When it's boiling hot isn't good for going sailing., I have a later night last night. - I had a late night last night., I have had a running around the blok this morning. - I have had a run around the block this morning., I use to play cards when I was a teenage. - I used to play cards when I was a teenager., My come-to way to come away from stress and worries is to go on nature. - My go-to way to get away from stress and worries is to go in nature., I used cook a lot, I got a real hit out of it. - I used to cook a lot, I got a real kick out of it., I'm onto composing. It's a real feel-bad factor you get from it. - I'm into composing. It's a real feel-good factor you get from it., I'm a party creature,I love clubbing. Going out and social are my things. - I'm a party animal, I love clubbing. Going out and socializing are my things.,

Outcomes intermediate Interests


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