: As you can see from the agenda..., What I want to do today is take time to think about..., So just generally speaking..., What do you need to improve?, I think, overall, it has been good., I mean in terms of my main success, I managed to complete..., My big challenge was in the early phases with..., Which aspects of the project were the most problematic?, What was the main cause of this?, Well, speaking openly..., This led to production issues., I got it right in the end., I should have planned more carefully., If I had planned more carfully at the beginning, I could have produced a better design, and avoided time delays., We are all experienced., We always work under time pressure., I assume I just underestimated the complexity., Next time we will insist on having more time for..., It will pay off., We need to give ourselves realistic deadlines., Sometimes slower is better., As far as I am concerned...,

BP B2 Unit 5.4 useful expressions (5.01)


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