When did you last feel slight discomfort? - Slight discomfort is very gentle pain that is not bad and that does not affect you much., Do you get a burning sensation when you eat chillis? Are you allergic to anything – that gives you a burning sensation on your skin?  - A burning sensation is is a feeling of extreme heat accompanied by pain, often on your as in this case, or maybe in your oesophagus if you eat something too spicy., Have you ever been in agony? What happened? - If you are in agony, you are in the most severe kind of unbearable pain, which stops you doing anything else or moving., What are things that can make you numb?  - If a part of your body goes numb, it loses sensation so that you cannot feel anything there, you cannot feel touch or pain or any sensation., As we get older we might get slight twinges of pain – has this happened to you yet?  - If you feel a slight twinge, you get a sudden, quick, and mild pain or discomfort. The pain is not severe, but enough to make you aware of that there is something wrong., Do you wince if someone gives you an injection?. - If you wince, you make a sudden small movement of pain without meaning to, often in response to something external., Have you ever felt a throbbing pain? What happened? - A throbbing pain is a continuous, pulsating pain that feels like a beating sensation. The pain gets stronger with each heartbeat, making it quite uncomfortable ., Have you ever felt a dull ache? Why? - A dull ache is a mild and continuous pain that a person feels over a period of time and is aware of. It is not sharp or intense, but rather a lingering discomfort, When might a part of your body be tender to the touch? - If an area of your body is tender to the touch, it is sensitive and painful when even gentle touch is applied to that area, maybe because it has been bruised., If you are a woman, do you suffer from cramps? What can you do to ease the pain?  - This refers to pains in the lower abdomen, often suffered by women during their menstrual cycle, caused by muscles contracting., Have you ever felt a nagging pain? What happened? - A nagging pain is a feeling of pain that you have all the time and that annoys and bothers you, that is not easy to forget or ignore, Have you ever felt a sharp, stabbing pain? What happened? - A sharp stabbing pain is severe and sharp and feels like a knife has suddenly been stuck into you, Have you ever felt a shooting pain? What happened? - A shooting pain is a sudden and intense burst of pain that travels rapidly along a part of your body, and that often feels like an electric shock., When might be a time that you would ache all over? - If you ache all over, you have a feeling of pain and discomfort in all the muscles of your body., What can a splitting headache be a sign of? - A splitting head describe a very strong and severe pain in your head as though your head is going to spilt open., Do you ever get cramp or a stitch during or after exercise? - Cramp is a sudden feeling of intense pain you get when your muscle suddenly tightens by itself. A stitch is a sudden, sharp pain usually felt on the side of your body., Do you know anyone with chronic pain? How does it affect them? - Chronic pain is pain that lasts for a long time., What kind of conditions can give you crippling pain? - Crippling pain is a very strong pain that makes it hard or impossible for a person to do normal activities.,

When did you last feel this pain?


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