True: The inner core is solid because of the pressure from the layers above. , Pond and Rivers are example of aquatic ecosystems. , Everything in Ecosystems interacts and is dependent on each other., Polar bear has BLUBBER under its skin to protect it from cold weather in Arctic., Mimicry is when an animal LOOKS like another animal of the same species., Hibernation is inactive/dormant in winters., Elephants are herbivourous., Mangroves grow in coastal marshy areas. , Pitcher plant is carnivorous (insectivorous)., Banyan tree has aerial hanging roots., Cactus has spines and its stem makes food., Lotus has roots fixed to water bed., Tape grass is an aquatic plant with submerged root., Conifers have cones instead of flowers., Fungi is Biotic., The natural home of an organism is called habitat., False: Polar and desert regions are examples of aquatic ecosystems. , Slow moving rivers of ice are called volcanoes., Rock and minerals are part of the Biosphere., Fresh water is salty and is found in oceans., Mimicry is when animal move to another place to survive., Hibernation is inactive/dormant in summers., Elephants are omnivorous., Mangroves float on water., Pitcher plant is omnivorous., Banyan tree has breathing roots., Cactus store water in leaves and food in roots., Lotus has floating roots., Tape grass has floating roots., Conifers have beautiful red flowers., Soil is Biotic., The natural home of an organism is called Ecosystem.,

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