Retina- vison, receives light from the lens, Cornea- front of the eye, refracts light, Pupil- lets light onto the retina, Iris- controls the size of your pupil, Aqueous humour- watery fluid that provides nutrient for the eye, Viterous humour- fills the space between the lens and the retina, Sclera- white of the eye, Choroid- lyes between sclera and retina, Blind spot- optic nerve and blood vessels leave the eye to produce an image, Fovea (centralis)- responsible for vision, Optic nerve- gives images from retina to brain, Vestibular nerve- helps balance body and eye movements, Auditory nerve- transfers audio to the brain, Tympanic membrane- eardrum, when waves reach it causes it to vibrate, Pinna- the outer part of the ear, Round window- opening into the inner ear, decreases the auditory that travels through, Oval window- amplifies sound, Cochlea- produces nerve impulses to respond to sound vibrations, Semicircular canals- three tiny tubes in your ear to keep your balance, Malleus- transmits sound to the incus, Incus- receives the vibrations then converts to the stapes, Stapes- transmits sound from outside to the cochlea, Ossicles- move sound waves to the oval window, Eustachian tube- opens your throat so ear pressure does not build-up, Myopia- nearsightedness, Cataracts- the clouding of the eye which blocks light from getting in, Hyperopia- farsightedness, Glaucoma- an eye condition that has damaged the eye caused by high blood pressure, Astigmatism- refractive problem causing the light to not be evenly distributed, Mechanoreceptor- a sensory receptor that is in the form of touch, pressure and forms of the body, Proprioceptor- bodies ability to move at its own pace, Baroreceptor- in the sinus and can detect high/low blood pressure, then signals the brain, Chemoreceptor- it detects levels of carbon dioxide, Thermoreceptor- detects temperature changes.

Biology Chapter 12 terms



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