Ruler 90p - It's ninety pence, Umbrella £ 9.99 - It's nine pound and ninety-nine pence, Glasses £ 80.49 - It's eighty pounds and forty-nine pence, Jumper £ 20.15 - It's twenty pounds and fifteen pence, Banana 50p - It's fifty pence, Shoes £35.50 - It's thirty-five pounds and fifty pence, Ice cream £2 - It's two pound, Bed £99 - It's ninety-nine pounds, Pillow £20 - It's twenty pounds, Book £17.65 - It's seventeen pounds and sixty-five pence, Rollerblade £84.21 - It's eighty-four pounds and twenty-one pence, Sapore - dolce,

How much are...



दृश्य शैली


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