Gangway - The position in the ship's side by which the ship is entered or left, also describes a passageway in and ship, Brow - A narrow platform placed between ship and shore for embarkation and disembarkation, Bridge - Part of the ship from where it is controlled and commanded by the Captain, Draught - The depth of the vessel at it lowest point - below the waterline, Deckhead - The ceiling of a compartment, Bulkhead - Walls of a compartment or structure, Hatch - An opening in the deck to give access to the compartment below, Ladder - Structure allowing vertical access, Galley - Ship's Kitchen, Heads - Ship's Toilets, Awash - Flooded or level with the surface of the sea, Way - Movement or momentum through the water, e.g. headway, a forward movement, sternway - a backward movement, Adrift - Broken Away or no longer attached or driven at random by wind and tide, also meaning late, Shipshape - Seaman-like in appearance, tidy or ready to use,

Other Parts Of A Ship & Sea Terms



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