1) You put your clothes in it. a) suitcase b) tent c) hotel 2) You need this book to go to another country. a) passport b) guidebook c) suitcase 3) This is a flat you stay in on holiday. a) guidebook b) apartment c) tent 4) This book tells you about interesting places. a) passport b) guidebook c) suitcase 5) This is quite small. You put it outside to sleep in. a) caravan b) sleeping bag c) tent 6) It's a house on wheels. You take it with you when you go on holiday. a) tent b) caravan c) sleeping bag 7) You use it as a bed. You out it in a tent. a) apartment b) sleeping bag c) tent 8) It's a building with lots of rooms. You stay there when you're on holiday. a) tent b) apartment c) hotel


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