1) What could be a good title for scene 4?  a) The ploughing scene b) War comes to Devon c) Rose and Ted fight d) Albert has trained Joey well e) Ned rides Joey f) Arthur buys Joey from the Narracotts 2) How does Albert talk to Joey? a) Calmly b) Loudly c) Angrily d) Sadly e) Disappointedly f) Dangerously 3) Which line suggests that Arthur is Jealous of the Narracotts owning Joey? a) What's that horse he's on? b) Is that the bliddin foal, growed up? c) Lets see how he goes, though. d) Bliddin Hell. e) Thass albert, in't it? f) We're havin' that horse. 4) What does Rose think about Joey? a) He still nips people b) Albert has trained him well c) He leans on people d) He looks unhealthy e) He isn't worth a lot of money f) He's just a puppet 5) Why does Albert lie to Rose? a) He wants to sell Joey b) He doesn't like her c) He lies to everyone d) He wants to keep Joey e) He wants to join the Army f) He doesn't know what he's doing 6) Subtext is  a) the spoken meaning b) the opposite of what a character says c) acting the emotions of a character d) an obvious message e) the underlying meaning of the words f) a creative idea

War Horse Scene 4



दृश्य शैली


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