culture - Writers, such as James Fenimore Cooper and Washington Irving were inspired by the new frontier, thus creating a new American _________., Andrew Jackson - The expansion of voting rights and the election of ____ signaled the growing power of the American people., Eli Whitney - __ had two important inventions: interchangeable parts and the cotton gin, which helped kick-start the Industrial Revolution., The Lowell System - ____ was based on water-powered textile mills that employed young, unmarried women from local farms., Industrial Rev. - ____ was an era when factories/machines were used , Wn's Rights Movement - In the 1840’s, the ___ ultimately resulting in voting rights / the 19th Amendment., California Trail - The longest trails west were the ____ and the Oregon Trail. Each was 2,000 miles and took six months to travel., Oregon Trail - The longest trails west were the California Trail and the ___. Each was 2,000 miles and took six months to travel., Texas - In 1836, ___ gained its independence from Mexico., Manifest Destiny - The ideologies of ___ and the outcome of the Texas-Mexican war led to U.S. expansion to the Pacific., Mexican-American War - The victory after the ___ increased the size of the United States by almost 25%.,

100 facts #66-75



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