1) Each square is 1cm2. Calculate the area of this square.  a) 8cm2 b) 10cm2 c) 16cm2 d) 4cm2 2) Each square is 1cm2. Calculate the area of this rectangle. a) 9cm2 b) 18cm2 c) 2cm2 d) 16cm2 3) Each square is 1cm2. Calculate the area of this rectangle. a) 18cm2 b) 9cm2 c) 6cm2 d) 3cm2 4) Which shape has the greatest area? a) A b) B c) They are both the same area 5) Which calculation shows the area of this shape?  a) 3 x 3 =9 b) 5 x 5 =25 c) 3 x 2 = 6 d) 3 x 5 = 8 e) 3 x 5 = 25 6) Which calculation shows the area of this shape?  a) 8 x 2 = 16 b) 4 x 4 =16 c) 8 x 4 = 12 d) 8 x 4 = 32 e) 3 x 5 = 25 7) Which statement matches this shape? a) There are 3 squares in each row. There are 5 rows altogether. 5 rows of 3 squares equals 15 squares altogether. b) There are 6 squares in each row. There are 2 rows altogether. 2 rows of 6 squares equals 12 squares altogether. c) There are 3 squares in each row. There are 2 rows altogether. 2 rows of 3 squares equals 6 altogether. 8) Bob says that to calculate the area of a rectilinear shape you just add up the measurements around the edges? Is this.... a) Correct b) Incorrect c) I'm not sure 9) Gina says that to calculate the area of a rectilinear shape you need to count the squares or multiply the length by the width? This is... a) Correct b) Incorrect c) I'm not sure 10) A wall in Donna's garden is 5m x 6m. She wants to paint the wall. What is the area she will need to paint?  a) 40m2 b) 11m2 c) 30m2 d) 25m2

Year 4 Area Quiz



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