1) Thermal radiation is the same as infra red radiation a) True b) False c) Don't know 2) The hotter a body the more energy it radiates a) True b) False c) Don't know 3) Infra red radiation cannot travel through a vacuum a) True b) False c) Don't know 4) The greenhouse effect is caused by Infra red radiation being trapped in our atmosphere a) True b) False c) Don't know 5) Dark colours are worse emitters of infra red than light colours a) True b) False c) Don't know 6) Infra red radiation is absorbed best by light colours a) True b) False c) Don't know 7) Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity a) True b) False c) Don't know 8) Metals are better conductors of heat because a) the particles vibrate more easily b) they are more dense than other materials c) they contain free electrons 9) The scientific name for movement energy is a) kinetic energy b) potential energy c) get up and go energy d) Bob 10) Materials like fibreglass or wool are good insulators because a) they don't contain free electrons b) they contain pockets of air c) They contain fewer particles d) they keep you warm 11) Convection cannot happen in a a) solid b) liquid c) gas d) plasma 12) heating a liquid makes it a) move more b) less dense c) more dense d) hotter 13) When you heat particles in a metal they a) expand b) contract c) vibrate d) condense 14) A larger surface area means a) heat is lost quicker b) heat is lost more slowly c) there is a smaller volume d) heat is lost at the same rate 15) Thermos (vacuum) flasks stop energy transfer by a) conduction and radiation b) conduction and convection c) convection and radiation d) conduction, convection and radiation

l.c. physics Heat Energy Review Quiz


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