1) Harry Potter is in: a) Slytherin b) Ravenclaw c) Griffindor d) Huffelpuf 2) Who are Harry's best friends? a) Hermione & Ron b) Draco & Cho c) Luna & Ron d) Cedric & Hermione 3) Who was killed by Bellatrix ? a) Ginny Weasley b) Lily Potter c) Sirius Black d) Hermione Granger 4) What is Ginny's Patronus? a) Fox b) Turtle c) Deer d) Horse 5) Voldemort is: a) James Potter b) Lucius Malfoy c) Tom Riddle d) Albus Dumbledore 6) What is the name of Harry's owl? a) Hagrid b) Ron c) Hedwig d) John 7) Harry's mother's name is: a) Lavander Potter b) Lily Luna Potter c) Lily Potter d) Sarah Potter 8) Hermione's surname is: a) Granger b) Malfoy c) Potter d) Chang


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