1) My name is Dora. I ....... balloons a) like b) likes c) doesn't like d) eat 2) I ...... nuts or sweets a) doesn't like b) don't like c) likes d) don't play 3) This is my brother Henry. He ....... chocolate or cakes. a) doesn't like b) don't play c) don't like d) like 4) My mum really ...... nuts and pastries a) reads b) like c) likes d) read 5) She ...... balloons a) don't like b) doesn't like c) don't likes d) doesn't likes 6) Station a) b) c) d) 7) Choose the odd one out a) night b) hospital c) school d) airport 8) Choose the odd one out a) morning b) garage c) afternoon d) evening 9) Choose the odd one out a) get up b) go to school c) go home d) sweets 10) Choose the odd one out a) zoo b) police station c) buy d) train station 11) Lake a) b) c) d) 12) It's raining. ....... your umbrella. a) Put on b) Don't put on c) Forget d) Don't forget 13) It's sunny. Put on your ...... a) hat b) umbrella c) coat d) scarf 14) It's cloudy a) b) c) d) 15) It's snowing a) b) c) d) 16) It's windy a) b) c) d) 17) What ...... he have for breakfast? a) does b) do c) eat d) eats 18) ..... she ..... to bed at 10 o'clock? a) Does/goes b) Do/go c) Do/goes d) Does/go 19) Choose the correct sentence a) My dog play with a ball b) My dog plays with a ball c) My dog plaies with a ball d) My dog don't play with a ball 20) Choose the correct sentence a) My sister study at school b) My sister studys at school c) My sister studies at school d) My sister studyes at school 21) Does your mum work in an office? a) Yes, she does b) No, she does c) Yes, he does d) No, he doesn't 22) Are you free ...... Friday? a) in b) at c) on 23) Let's play football ..... 6 o'clock in the park a) at b) on c) in 24) I ....... comics after school a) doesn't make b) don't read c) reads d) make 25) I don't eat ....... night a) in b) on c) at

Family and Friends Review 3



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