1) Our ------------------------ is Earth. a) dark b) melon c) planet d) nature 2) I can't see anything. It's very ------------------. a) dark b) melon c) planet d) nature 3) The sun gives us heat and -------------------------. a) dark b) light c) planet d) melon 4) I go to the countryside to enjoy the beautiful ------------------. a) dark b) melon c) planet d) nature 5) A --------------------- is a sweet fruit. I like it. a) planet b) melon c) nature d) dark 6) A/An ------------------ fixed my car yesterday. a) painter b) engineer c) mechanic d) astronaut 7) A/An ------------------------ travels to space. a) painter b) engineer c) mechanic d) astronaut 8) A/An --------------------------- makes paintings. a) painter b) engineer c) mechanic d) astronaut 9) A/An ---------------------- designs streets and bridges. a) painter b) engineer c) mechanic d) astronaut 10) There are many planets in -------------------------. a) space b) dark c) painter d) engineer 11) We stick paper with -----------------------. a) fry b) slice c) glue d) inventor 12) I want to ---------------- 2 eggs for breakfast. a) slice b) fry c) glue d) inventor 13) I will have a ----------------- of cheese. a) slice b) fry c) glue d) inventor 14) A/An ------------------------ makes new things. a) slice b) fry c) astronaut d) inventor 15) A/An ------------------------ looks after teeth. a) inventor b) painter c) dentist d) engineer 16) A/An ------------------------- works on TVs and newspapers. a) inventor b) journalist c) painter d) engineer 17) There is a ------------------------ around the garden. a) fence b) greenhouse c) strange d) scream 18) Some people grow vegetables in a ----------------------------. a) fence b) strange c) scream d) greenhouse 19) I don't know this plant. It's very --------------------. a) fence b) scream c) strange d) greenhouse 20) When he saw a strange thing, he started to ------------------------. a) fence b) scream c) strange d) greenhouse

G5 Module 6 Vocabulary


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