Say 3 things you could do when you were a child, but can't do now., Ask 10 questions with 'have to'., When do we use simple past?, Grade the adjectives: 'competitive', 'old', 'rich', 'young' 'comfortable''exciting', Grade the adjectives: 'hard', 'big', 'low', 'bad'., How do we grade adjectives? What is the rule?, Ask 5 questions with: 'How often?', List 10 questions words., When do we use present continuous? List the functions. , Ask 5 questions with "When was the last time....?", When do we use present continuous for future?, LIST 7 modal verbs, LIST the time expressions of PRESENT PERFECT., What's the difference between WILL and GOING TO?, When do we use WILL?, What's the difference between CAN and COULD?, Say 5 things you must do at work., Ask 5 questions with "Have you ever...?", When do we use 'Present Perfect'?, Which modal would you use for requesting?, Which modal would you use for offers?, How many MODAL VERBS do you know?, When do we use simple present? LIST the functions., "I feel sick." Give me some advice. You the word "SHOULD", When do we use 'going to'?, What's the difference? "I'm always getting up late." "I always get up late.".

English Grammar Pre Intermediate


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