1) What year did the Second World War start? a) 1937 b) 1938 c) 1939 2) Which country's longest river is called the 'Po'? a) Portugal b) Italy c) France 3) What's √36? (square root) a) six b) four c) twelve 4) What does 'USB' stand for, as in USB cable? a) Universal Social Bot b) Universal Section Bob c) Universal Serial Bus 5) Who discovered the laws of gravity? a) Isaac Newton b) Benjamin Franklin c) Marie Curie 6) How many books are there in Lord of the Rings? a) five b) three c) four 7) In what part of the body is the 'tibia'? a) Arm b) Back c) Leg 8) What's the most common chemical element on Earth? a) Hydrogen b) Oxygen c) Nitrogen



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