1) Why does a camel have a hump? a) so people can ride it b) for storing fat and water c) because it is too big 2) Can plants eat insects? a) Yes b) No 3) Can a snake really be charmed? a) Yes b) No 4) Why do birds migrate? a) they don't like to be in one place b) they like flying c) they move to warmer countries to search for food 5) What do bats do during the day? a) sleep b) fly around c) eat 6) Which animal is most similar to humans? a) a tiger b) a wolf c) a chimpanzee 7) Why do whales spout? a) because it's fun b) because they need air to breathe c) because they live in water 8) Which animal follows ships and plays around them? a) a whale b) a shark c) a dolphin 9) Are all sharks dangerous? a) Yes b) No 10) Where do grizzly bears live? a) in North America b) in South America c) in Europe


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