1) Who were the first to arrive in Australia a) Aboriginal people b) The Dutch c) The British d) Prisoners 2) When Aboriginal people arrived in Australia a) 50,000 b) 48,000 c) 50,0000 3) When gold was found in Australia a) 1606 b) 1788 c) 1986 d) 1851 4) Is this a boomerang a) False b) True 5) The British Captain James Cook landed in today's New South Wales and claimed the land for Great Britian a) False b) True 6) The British began to settle in Australia in a) 1788 b) 1098 c) 1890 d) 1888 7) Europeans wanted to find Terra Australis a) True b) False 8) Why Great Britian move prisoners to Australia a) For fun b) Prisions is full c) Becuse is difficulty to survive 9) Is this PlatyPus a) True b) False 10) What is Australia a) Continent b) Country c) Island d) A brige 11) Is this Uluru a) False b) True 12) Does Australia have a special Island for kangroos a) True b) False 13) What is this flag a) Australia b) Croatia c) UK d) England 14) Does Australia have offical languages a) True b) False 15) What is capital city of Australia a) Canberra b) Sydney c) Zagreb 16) When Australia became a fully indepinend country a) 1986 b) 1851 c) 1770 d) 1991 17) The dreamtime is a) Story of Aboriginal people b) Art festival


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