Charles II - What king boosted the opening of theaters again?, John Dryden - Who was the most influential writer of this period?, Witty - It is a synonym for banter, chaff, jests, or humor., Jonathan Swift - Who wrote 'A Modest Proposal'?, Satire - It mocks something in order to bring about a change., Sentimental Comedy - It is the genre in which the audience is moved to laughter and 'tears.', Hyperbole - An exaggeration to make its point., The Enlightenment - It was the period where the science flourished and the Church's power decreased., The Augustan Era - It was the period where satire flourished., Printing press - An invention that revolutionized the spread of ideas., Age of Sensibility - It was the period of transition into the romantic age, Samuel Johnson - Who wrote the first English dictionary?, Alexander Pope - Who wrote the 'Lock of the Rape'?, Daniel Defoe - The person who wrote the adventures of 'Robinson Crusoe.', Jane Austen - The author of the novel 'Pride and Prejudice.', Mock-heroic - It is the genre that aims to over-dramatize something that is trivial., verbal irony - 'Wealthy English can purchase Irish babies from the poor to eat' is an example of _____., Restoration Literature - It continued to appeal to heroic ideals of love and honor.,

Restoration & XVIII-century Literature


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