Could you pass me some sugar? - Of course, here you are. , Why do you hurry? - Because we are late, I’m sorry to bother you/disturb you. - No problem. What can I do for you?, Help yourself to the cookies! - Thanks a lot., I was rude to my teacher. - Shame on you!, Make yourself at home. - Thanks. That’s very kind of you., What would you like to do tonight? - It depends on you (It’s up to you), Excume me, can you recoend a good guidebook? - Yes, you can read a National Geografic guidebook., I am meeting Mark tonight. - Say hi to him!, Is breakfast included in the price? - Yes, all meals are included in the price, Long time no see. - Yes, I missed you so much!, Can I get the bill, please? - Of course, would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?,

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