1) It commemorates the crucifixion of Christ. People go to church and meditate on his death. It is a tradition to eat hot cross buns on that day. a) Good Friday b) Holy Saturday c) Easter Sunday 2) People go to church and the sign of the cross is made on their foreheads. This is a sign of repentance before God. This day is the first day of Lent. a) Shrove Tuesday b) Maundy Thursday c) Ash Wednesday 3) People decorate Easter eggs and place them in Easter baskets. a) Easter Sunday b) Holy Saturday c) Good Friday 4) It commemorates the last supper of Jesus with the Apostles. In Britain, the Queen participates in the ceremony of the Royal Maundy, during which money is given to deserving elderly citizens. a) Maundy Thursday b) Good Friday c) Easter Sunday 5) This day is the day after Easter, which for most people is just a day off. a) Holy Saturday b) Easter Sunday c) Wet Monday 6) People celebrate Christ’s resurrection, for example by going to church. They organise egg hunts and egg rolls. a) Easter Monday b) Easter Sunday c) Holy Saturday 7) This is the last day before Lent. In the USA it has the name Mardi Gras and traditional parades are held in New Orleans on this day. a) Wet Monday b) Ash Wednesday c) Shrove Tuesday


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