1) If we leave now a) we will catch the early train. b) we will caught the early train. c) we will be catch the early train. 2) If it rains, a) I stays at home b) I'm staying home. c) I will  stay at home. 3) (Trzeba zaznaczyć 2 poprawne odpowiedzi) Schemat tworzenia First Conditional to :  a) If + Podmiot + czasownik , Podmiot + Present Simple + will b) If + Podmiot + Present Simple, Podmiot + will+ czasownik c) Podmiot + will + czasownik + If + Podmiot + Present Simple 4) I will not be happy a) if she visits me. b) if she want to visit me c) if she are going to visit me 5) If it's sunny, a) we'll go for a walk. b) we'll going to go for a walk. c) we went for a walk 6) Należy pamiętać, że po if zawsze występuje czas a) Present Perfect b) Past Continuous c) Present Simple 7) As soon as she visits me, a) I'm happy b) I will be happy c) I going to be happy 8) He will be happy if a) she doesn't visit him b) she don't visit him c) she won't visit him


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