thesis - 1 letter to the end, Placid - 1 letter to the front, scranton - 2 letters split them, instruct - 1-3 split, flagrant - don't split rotten letters, rely - 1 letter to the end, smitten - 2 letters split them, ethnic - 2-1 never split a digraph, spinach - 1 letter to the front, agree - don't split rotten letters, impress - 1-2 split, plankton - 2-1 never split a unit, instant - 1-2 split, stretchpants - compound word, obstruct - 1-3 split, betray - don't split rotten letters, elbow - 2 letters split them, mongrel - 1-2 split, subdue - 2 letters split them, someday - compound word,

Barton Syllable Division Rules



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