1) What is the wavelength of a wave? a) How many waves pass by per second b) How wide the waves are c) The distance from one wave to the same place on the next wave d) The height of the wave from top to bottom 2) Which of these statements is NOT true? a) Waves carry energy away from an OSCILLATOR b) Waves flow through a MEDIUM but don't carry the medium along with them c) Higher frequency waves travel faster than low frequency waves d) The speed of a wave depends only on the medium it is flowing through 3) The FREQUENCY of a wave measures... a) how far apart the waves are b) how many waves you make altogether c) the height of the waves from top to bottom d) the number of waves made per second 4) The AMPLITUDE of a wave measures... a) the height of the wave from top to bottom b) the distance between two waves c) the height of a wave measured from the centre to the top d) how many waves pass by per second 5) In which type of wave are the OSCILLATIONS at RIGHT ANGLES to the direction the wave travels? a) LONGITUDINAL WAVES b) NEITHER TYPE c) TRANSVERSE WAVES d) BOTH TYPES 6) For this sound wave, match the numbers with the descriptions a) 1 = Amplitude 2 = Wavelength 3 = Frequency b) 1 = Wavelength 2 = Amplitude 3 = Frequency c) 1= Frequency 2 = Wavelength 3 = Amplitude d) 1 = Frequency 2 = Amplitude 3 = Wavelength 7) Which statement is NOT true? a) The wavelength is the distance between the red rays b) The blue wavefronts show the peaks of the waves seen from above c) The red rays show the direction the waves are travelling d) The wavelength is the distance between the blue wavefronts 8) Which wave property is shown here? a) Reflection b) Refraction c) Diffraction d) The Doppler Effect 9) Which wave property is shown here? a) Reflection b) Refraction c) Diffraction d) The Doppler Effect 10) Which wave property is shown here? a) Reflection b) Refraction c) Diffraction d) The Doppler Effect


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