1) what do you call the father of your mother a) parent b) father c) nana  d) grandparent e) maternal grandfather f) great grandfather 2) The sister of your father will be your  a) maternal aunt b) paternal aunt c) sister d) none of these 3) A family tree tells us how the relatives in a family are a) related to each other b) happy or sad c) living together or not 4) The families that have only one parent with the child are called a) large family b) joint family c) cute family d) single parent family 5) On a family tree the top position is occupied by a) the youngest in the family b) the oldest in family 6) which of the following is our first school? a) i don`t know the name b) nursery school c) FAMILY 7) All family members come together during a) shopping b) occasions like birthdays and weddings c) sleeping d) cooking e) jogging 8) two children who were born around at the same time to the same mother a) TWINS b) TRIPLETS c) QUADRAPLETS d) GENERATION 9) The features that pass on from one generation to the other are called a) hereditary features b) special features 10) We should __________ our family a) dislike b) hate c) love d) ignore

My family CLASS 3


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