Responding to Positive Feedback: Thanks for your support. It’s good to know I’m on the right track., Thanks, though I have to admit, I got the idea from…, Thanks. I’m glad you liked it., Taking on Board Negative Feedback: I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. Thanks for pointing that out., Oh, I see. Well it seems a pity to…, but maybe you’re right., Oh, really? Why do you think that?, So how do you think I could improve it?, Thank you. I’m very happy to have some honest feedback., Fair enough. I’ll take your thoughts into consideration., Challenging Negative Feedback: Look, you’re entitled to your opinion, but…, I see what you’re saying, but…, To be honest, I just don’t have time to…, I’m sorry, but I don’t see what you’re getting at., I’m not sure I agree with you., I’d like a second opinion on this if you don’t mind.,

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