1) There weren't ... people on the bus this morning.  a) some b) any 2) I play tennis ... Monday and Friday. a) every b) any 3) Sorry, there is ... pizza left for you. a) any b) no 4) Are there ... oranges in the bag? a) any b) some 5) There are ... sweets on the table. Take one. a) some b) no 6) Has jenny got ... brothers or sisters? a) any b) some 7) There's ... food in the fridge. I'll go to the supermarket. a) any b) no 8) I'm very tired. I haven't had ... sleep. a) no b) any 9) I've got ... apples. Would you like one? a) any b) some 10) ... pupil must have a notebook. a) Any b) Every 11) Have you got any eggs? No, we haven't got ... eggs left. a) no b) any 12) We have got ... lettuce left in the fridge. a) some b) every 13) Is there ... cheese in the fridge? Yes, there is some cheese. There are also some tomatoes. a) any b) some 14) Great! We can make ... cheese and tomato sandwiches! a) no b) some 15) We haven't got ... bread but we have some potatoes. a) any b) no 16) We have got some potatoes so we can make ... potato chips. a) any b) some


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