1) Je suis a) I am b) They (m) will be c) He (it) will be d) They (f) will be 2) Tu es a) You will be (informal singular) b) She (it) is c) They (f) will be d) You are (informal singular) 3) Il est a) You are (formal or plural) b) I will be c) I am d) He (it) is 4) Elle est a) She (it) is b) We are c) They (f) are d) I am 5) On est a) One is (people are) b) She (it) is c) They (m) will be d) They (m) are 6) Nous sommes a) They (f) were b) We are c) I will be d) They (f) are 7) Vous êtes a) You are (formal or plural) b) You are (informal singular) c) You will be (informal singular) d) They (m) are 8) Ils sont a) He (it) is b) They (m) are c) She (it) is d) She (it) will be 9) Elles sont a) I was b) One is (people are) c) You will be (informal singular) d) They (f) are 10) Je serai a) You are (formal or plural) b) They (m) will be c) He was d) I will be 11) Tu seras a) You will be (informal singular) b) You are (formal or plural) c) He (it) is d) You will be (formal or plural) 12) Il sera a) He (it) will be b) I was c) She (it) is d) We will be 13) Elle sera a) She (it) will be b) You are (formal or plural) c) They (f) are d) You are (informal singular) 14) Nous serons a) We will be b) They (f) were c) He (it) will be d) They (f) will be 15) Vous serez a) She (it) will be b) He (it) is c) You will be (formal or plural) d) He (it) will be 16) Ils seront a) You will be (informal singular) b) She (it) will be c) He (it) is d) They (m) will be 17) Elles seront a) They (f) will be b) She (it) is c) We will be d) They (m) will be 18) J'étais a) You will be (informal singular) b) They (m) will be c) They (f) are d) I was 19) Il était a) I was b) They (f) were c) You will be (informal singular) d) He was 20) Elles étaient a) I will be b) They (f) were c) They (m) are d) He was

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