1) He _______________hungry. a) was b) were 2) She ________________happy. a) wasn´t b) were c) was 3) The bird _________________thirsty. a) was b) wasn´t c) were 4) They _________________tired. a) were b) was 5) She _________________ in her bedroom a) was b) were c) wasn´t d) weren´t 6) They _____________ in the theme park. a) were b) was c) weren´t d) wasn´t 7) They _______________ asleep. a) were b) was c) wasn´t d) weren´t 8) The dog _________________tired a) was b) wasn´t c) were d) weren´t 9) I _________________ at school a) was b) wasn´t c) were d) weren´t 10) There __________________bears in the zoo. a) were b) was c) weren´t d) wasn´t 11) Was she thirsty? a) No, she was b) Yes, she was c) Yes, she were d) Yes, she wasn´t 12) Were they in the pool? a) No, they was b) Yes, they weren´t c) Yes, they were d) No, they wasn´t 13) Was it asleep? a) No, she was b) Yes, he were c) Yes, it wasn´t d) Yes, it was 14) Were they in a campsite? a) Yes, they were. b) No, they wasn´t c) No, they weren't d) No, they was 15) Was the dog at the beach? a) No, it weren´t b) Yes, it was c) No, they were d) Yes, it wasn't

Was were


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