1) Take a bath every day to keep your body clean a) Good habit b) Bad habit 2) Sleeping late a) Good habit b) Bad habit 3) Wearing clean clothes a) Good habit b) Bad habit 4) Eating junkfood a) Good habit b) Bad habit 5) Trim your nails every week a) Good habit b) Bad habit 6) Nose picking in public a) Good habit b) Bad habit 7) Brush your teeth at least twice a day. a) Good habit b) bad habit 8) Biting or chewing nails a) Good habit b) Bad habit 9) Eating fresh fruits and vegetables. a) Good habit b) Bad habit 10) Excessive use of gadget a) Good habit b) bad habit 11) Do morning exercise every day a) Good habit b) Bad habit 12) Wash your hands before eating a) Good habit b) Bad habit 13) Eat breakfast in the morning. a) Good habit b) bad habit 14) Drink more water not soda a) Good habit b) Bad habit 15) Watching TV and playing video games too much a) Good habit b) Bad habit

Staying healthy and strong



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