1) You’re late! I ______________ here in the cold for 20 minutes. a) have been standing b) am standing c) was standing 2) If you don’t buy the tickets soon, they ______________ out. a) would sell b) will sell c) sold 3) Pretending ______________ injured in a tackle is a bad idea, but footballers often do it. a) be b) being c) to be 4) What ______________ you ______________ when I called you earlier? a) was...doing b) were...doing c) are...doing 5) Tim’s a freelance software designer. He ______________ for himself since 2016. a) has been working b) was working c) is working 6) Andrew ______________ Nepal in 2014, the year before the terrible earthquake. a) has visited b) used to visit c) visited 7) Our sales ______________ as soon as we create our website. a) improved b) improve c) will improve 8) Anthony said he ______________ sorry but I didn’t believe him. a) was b) were c) has been 9) Remember ______________ (call) me when you get to the hotel. a) call b) to call c) calling 10) That cake ______________ wonderful! a) smell b) smells c) is smelling 11) I think the children ______________ by the police in the next episode, don’t you? a) will be rescued b) will rescue c) are going to rescue 12) The concert ______________ just ______________ and they won’t let us into the hall. a) had....started b) have...started c) has...started 13) ______________ cookery programmes on TV makes me hungry. a) Watching b) To watch c) Watched 14) ______________ you ______________ that restaurant if you’d read the reviews? a) Will...book b) Would...have booked c) Would...book 15) If you’re stressed, please let me ______________ you. a) help b) to help c) helping 16) The bus was late, which was really ________. a) frustrated b) frustration c) frustrating 17) James was embarrassed because his phone ________ during the interview. a) went off b) cut off c) sent off 18) Ethan is a ________ boy. He’s very sure of himself. a) self-confident b) sensitive c) reliable 19) We’re ________ our English exams next month. a) revising b) taking c) getting 20) Jocelyn’s ________ her third year of university a) in b) on c) at 21) The airline ________ us £50 to take our skis on the plane! a) made b) charged c) cost 22) This is Will. He was my ________ at Pinter and Marshall’s, the company where I used to work. a) classmate b) flatmate c) colleague 23) This cottage has low ________ in some of the rooms. a) floors b) ceilings c) walls 24) I parked in the wrong place so I had to pay a ___________. a) fine b) fee c) deposit 25) ___________ speaking, private schools are for rich families. a) Finally b) Normally c) Generally 26) I’m trying to cut ___________ on tea and coffee a) down b) out c) in 27) I’m ___________ up with this traffic, aren’t you? a) look b) fed c) cheer 28) ‘When did you become ___________ in science fiction films?’ ‘When I was about 14.’ a) interesting b) interested c) interest 29) Mr Cushing wants to talk to you ___________ your history essay a) for b) with c) about 30) Can you turn the radio ________, please? I can’t hear it properly. a) down b) up c) on


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