1) Jenny is _______________ as Jenny. a) more tall than b) as height c) It's too difficult. I'm scared. I might poop my pants. d) as tall e) more taller 2) They wished __________________ so much. a) it hadn't rained b) haven't rained c) It's too difficult. I'm scared. I might poop my pants. d) wouldn't rain e) wasn't raining 3) If I ____________________ enough, I would have gone out. a) had recycle b) had recycled c) would recycle d) were recycled e) It's too difficult. I'm scared. I might poop my pants. 4) I wish _______________ so many insects. a) there weren't b) there wasn't c) it weren't d) they weren't e) It's too difficult. I'm scared. I might poop my pants. 5) It's good _________________ you. a) hearing about b) to hear from c) to hearing about d) hearing from e) It's too difficult. I'm scared. I might poop my pants. 6) Jim walked _______________ than Tom. a) 5 kms more b) 5 more kms c) kms 5 than more d) 5 than kms more e) It's too difficult. I'm scared. I might poop my pants. 7) We wanted to go ______________ but we were sad to see the severe _____________. a) SIGHTSEEING / DRAUGHT b) SIGHTSEEING / DROUGHT c) SIGHTSCENE / DRAUGHT d) SIGHTSEEN / DROUGHT e) It's too difficult. I'm scared. I might poop my pants. 8) If they had drunk enough water, they ____________________. a) wouldn't have died b) would dead c) would have die d) would have dead e) It's too difficult. I'm scared. I might poop my pants. 9) I would have got on the ride, if I ___________________ twelve or older. a) had got b) were c) had been d) had had e) It's too difficult. I'm scared. I might poop my pants. 10) I wish the tour _______________ so long. a) hadn't been b) weren't be c) didn't be d) weren't be e) It's too difficult. I'm scared. I might poop my pants.



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