1) You haven’t got the time, ....? a) have you? b) got you? 2) We’re going to lose, ....? a) going we? b) aren't we? 3) James and Cathy don’t like Charlie, ....? a) does he? b) do they? 4) I failed the exam, ....? a) wasn’t b) didn’t I 5) You won’t tell her, ....? a) will you? b) won’t you 6) She hasn’t arrived yet, ....? a) has she? b) did she 7) Graham hates spinach, ....? a) doesn’t he b) does he 8) It’ll probably be sunny tomorrow, .....? a) isn’t b) won’t it 9) He isn’t a teacher any more, ..... ? a) isn't he b) is he 10) You can’t swim, ..... ? a) do you b) can you 11) You work with Sandra, ......? a) work you b) don't you 12) We’ll have arrived by 10.00, ......? a) won't we b) haven't we


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