1) I ___ the sandwich. a) eat b) eats 2) She ___ the sandwich. a) eat b) eats c) am eat 3) You ___ on this chair. a) sit b) sits 4) They ___ on this chair. a) sit b) sits c) are sit 5) He ___ the car. a) drive b) drives 6) They ___ in the car. a) is b) are c) am drive 7) She ___ a book. a) reads b) read 8) They___ in the library. a) are b) is c) am read 9) They ___ sandcastle. a) build b) builds 10) He___ water. a) loves b) love c) am love 11) We ___ to the zoo. a) go b) goes 12) She ___ to the zoo. a) go b) goes c) am go



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