blister - A painful swelling on the skin that contains liquid., bruise - An injury appearing as an area of discoloured skin on the body., sprain - To cause injury to a joint by a sudden movement., rash - A lot of small red spots on the skin., ache - A continuous pain that is unpleasant but not too strong., dislocate - To force a bone suddenly out of its correct position, joint - A part of the body where two bones are connected., wound - A damaged area of the body, such as a cut or hole in the skin or flesh, puke - To vomit, swell - When an injury is larger or rounder than usual, usually due to an increase of fluid, fracture - A broken bone, retch - To make the sound or movement of vomiting., feel under the weather - to feel unwell, be at death's door - to be very sick, to put one's mind at ease - to stop worrying about something, to be back on one's feet - To be healthy again after a period of sickness., upset stomach - a stomachache, sore - A painful or uncomfortable feeling because of injury, infection or too much use., ward - A large room in a hospital which usually has beds for patients., faint - to become unconscious for a short time, usually falling down,

C1 Health & Fitness vocabulary


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