1) 100 a) one thousand b) one hundred c) one hundred thousand 2) 250 a) two hundred five b) two hundred c) two hundred and fifty 3) 375 a) three hundred and seventy five b) three hundred and seventy c) three thousand seventy 4) 719 a) Seven hundred b) Seven hundred and nineteen c) Seven hundred and ninety nine 5) 999 a) nine hundred b) nine hundred and ninety nine c) nine hundred nineteen 6) 1000 a) one hundred b) one thousand c) one hundred thousand 7) 1500 a) one thousand and five b) one thousand five hundred c) one thousand fifty 8) 2300 a) two thousand three hundred b) two hundred three thousand c) two hundred 9) 5500 a) Five thousand five b) Five hundred thousand c) five thousand five hundred 10) 20.000 a) two thousand b) twenty thousand c) twenty hundred 11) 25.000 a) twenty five thousand b) twenty five hundred c) two five thousand 12) 62.000 a) Sixty two hundred b) Sixty two thousand c) Sixty thousand 13) 99.000 a) nineteen thousand b) ninety nine thousand c) ninety hundred 14) 100.000 a) one thousand hundred b) one hundred thousand 15) 200.000 a) two hundred thousand b) two thousand hundred 16) 300.000 a) three hundred thousand b) three thousand hundred 17) 450.000 a) four hundred and fifty thousand b) four thousand and fifty hundred 18) 530.000 a) five hundred and thirty thousand b) Five hundred and thirteen thousand 19) 513.000 a) Five hundred and thirty thousand b) Five hundred and thirteen thousand



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