1) Washington is the capital of which state? a) The USA b) Italy c) England d) Scotland 2) What is the population of Washington? a) 328.2 million b) 702.455 c) 806.341 d) 5.368 million 3) What Washington is famous for? a) Tourism b) Trading c) Crime d) Industry 4) Which city is it by size in the USA? a) 20 b) 11 c) 5 d) 2 5) After whom was it named? a) George Washington b) Kristofor Kolumbo c) James Cook d) Barack Obama 6) Which is the most famous landmark in Washington? a) Eiffel Tower b) White House c) Big Ben d) London Eye 7) Washigton's official name is? a) Washington C.D b) Washington B.C c) Washington D.C d) Washington C.B 8) How many death sentences were carried out there? a) 100 b) 50 c) 3 d) 110 9) Which is the most famous promenade? a) National mall b) Tijuca Forest c) Seawall d) Hoerikwaggo trail 10) Which of these is the flag of Washington? a) b) c) d)


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