vociferously - expressing your opinion loudly and with force., staunchly - loyally; showing strong belief in something or strong support for something, exacerbate - make a problem worse, fraught - full of problems, difficulties or things that are confusing, partisan - showing strong support for one particular person, group or idea, tag - describe someone or something in a particular way, dismissively - in a way that shows you think that something is not worth the effort, polarization - the fact that there are two very different groups, opinions or situations that are completely opposite to each other, segregated - separated according to race, sex or religion, stance - an attitude or view about an issue that you state clearly, impasse - a situation in which progress is not possible because none of the people involved are willing to change their opinion or decision, berate - talk to someone in an angry way because they have done something wrong,

Pre-Reading Vocabulary part 1: Political views - Advanced English - Sunday class


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