1) Do you think you could stay off your phone for 24 hours? What notification would compel you to get back on your phone? 2) What can you do to help prevent an addiction to social media? 3) Why do you use social media? Is that the only way for you to achieve those things? 4) If you could only keep one social media app, which app would it be and why? 5) After watching the film, do you plan to change any of your privacy settings on social media? Which ones, and why or why not? 6) ave you ever seen an ad for something you had only talked or thought about? How did it make you feel? 7) What is one part of the film that really resonates with you? Connect it to a personal experience. 8) Do you fact check everything you see online? What is one time you have read only the title or beginning of an article, but shared it anyway? 9) What sources do you trust for news? Why do you trust these sources and do you ever get information from elsewhere? 10) Can you think of a time where you said or did something online that you probably wouldn’t do in person? 11) Think of a time where you have seen hate comments on a celebrity’s social media post. How does being behind a screen change how a person sees people on the other side?

Speaking Activity - Social Media


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