1) Despite her wish to continue working, she was forced to ................... at the age of 62 a) fire b) dismiss c) resign d) retire 2) Women's ...................... are still low in relation to men's a) profits b) earnings c) benefits d) promotions 3) The company has made a .................. for seven consecutive years. a) profit b) earning c) benefit d) promotion 4) You may qualify for unemployment ............ a) profit b) perk c) benefit d) promotion 5) Price rises should restrain .................... spending. a) consumer b) costomer c) applicant d) buyer 6) Successful .................. will be expected to travel extensively. a) consumers b) customers c) applicants d) buyers 7) The restaurant hostess cools out the impatient ......... . a) consumer b) customer c) applicant d) buyer 8) Make a ................ to get some more milk. a) note b) notice 9) They closed the factory, giving the workers only a week's .............. . a) note b) notice 10) I only eat here because it's free — one of the ................ of the job. a) benefits b) perks c) profits d) permits 11) The ................. of taking the drug outweigh its risks. a) benefits b) perks c) profits d) permits 12) I want a job with good prospects for ............... . a) perks b) promotion c) benefits d) money 13) Her abilities are not fully appreciated by her ................ a) employer b) employee c) trainee d) applicant 14) The company has more than 2,000 .................. worldwide. a) personnel b) staff c) employers d) employees 15) His life story is an object lesson in how not to ................ a business. a) manage b) run c) undertake d) control 16) Swimming was their main ..................... at summer camp. a) profession b) job c) occupation d) employment 17) There are still two ............ on the school board. a) posts b) vacancies c) chairs d) postures 18) He is the best player on his ................ . a) crew b) team c) party d) staff 19) The ................... includes a copilot and a navigator. a) staff b) party c) team d) crew 20) The students were ...................... early because of the snowstorm. a) dismissed b) resigned c) fired d) sacked 21) He was ................... for being drunk. a) sacked b) retired c) resigned 22) She ................... from the government last week. a) dismissed b) resigned c) retired d) fired 23) Mike’s .................. hardly lets him make ends meet. a) job b) work c) employment d) profession 24) A janitor has hard ................ indeed. a) employment b) job c) work d) occupation 25) She filed an application with several ................. agencies. a) employment b) unemployment c) occupation d) profession 26) She let the parking .................. park her car. a) clerk b) attendant c) assistant d) officer 27) He is a ................... in every way. a) aim b) goal c) ambition d) success 28) The main ..................... of the course is to improve your writing. a) aim b) goal c) intention d) ambition 29) Your ....................... as a parent is to help your child become an independent adult. a) aim b) goal c) intention d) ambition 30) There are many who will work hard to ...................... these goals. a) fulfil b) manage c) deal d) achieve 31) I'd like to see him .................... his promise to reorganize the army. a) deal b) fulfil c) achieve d) undertake 32) I can't .................... with such a pile of work this weekend. a) cope b) deal c) face d) manage 33) I can ......................... with this crew of workers. a) deal b) manage c) face d) fulfil 34) Many couples refuse to ................ the fact that there are problems in their marriage. a) cope b) deal c) face d) fulfil 35) Scientists claim they have .................... in finding a cure for cancer. a) fulfilled b) succeeded c) coped d) achieved 36) I finally ............. to push the huge animal away. a) managed b) fulfilled c) coped d) achieved


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