1) She always tells everyone what to do. She gives commands. a) competitive b) reliable c) bossy d) boring 2) He thinks only about himself. He doesn't care about other people. a) selfish b) ambitious c) serious d) responsible 3) He likes to be the best at everything. a) wild b) shy c) cooperative d) competitive 4) She is quiet and doesn't like to be at the centre of attention. a) manipulative b) shy c) affectionate d) confident 5) When she starts doing something, she always does it well and finishes it in time. a) responsible b) athletic c) talkaive d) selfish 6) He is clever and he knows many things. a) cooperative b) ambitious c) intelligent d) talkative 7) She is good at working in a group. a) secretive b) affectionate c) cooperative d) sensetive 8) My sister can’t wait for anything; she’ s so_________________. a) impatient b) confident c) competitive d) talkaive 9) I’ve never known Emilia to do anything silly , and I know I can always trust her. a) sensible b) impatient c) confident d) boring 10) She often promises to do things but forgets to do. a) patient b) unreliable c) talented d) creative 11) Adeline hasn’t done a thing since she’s been here. Honestly, she’s so______________. a) clever b) lazy c) intelligent d) reliable 12) I get very _____________before exams; I need to try and relax a bit more. a) humourous b) clever c) nervous d) kind

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