victim - someone who has suffered the effects of violence, illness, or bad luck, burglary - get into a building illegally and steal things, patrol - to walk around making sure the area is safe, Identity - who the person is, interview - to meet and ask questions about someone, study - to do research or learn about something, launch - to begin or start something, search - to look around or to find something, witness - a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident, arrest - to put someone in custody for committing a crime, suspect - think that someone may have committed a crime or done something bad, investigate - to find out about crime, to research about a crime., appeal - to make a request; to ask for something., mug - to hurt and steal from someone, arson - to burn or set fire to a place, drug dealing - to sell drugs illegally, looting - to steal during a riot or war, shoplifting - to steal while shopping, vandalising - to damage or destroy something, theft - to steal unknowingly, smuggle - to move things in and out of a country, illegally, robbery - to use force to take things,

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