1) I'm the closest planet to the sun.  a) There isn't a planet closer to the sun than me. b) I'm a planet but the sun is not a planet. c) I am located very close to the sun. 2) Abigail's favourite kind of movie is a comedy. a) Abigail doesn't enjoy watching comedies. b) Comedy movies make Abigail laugh. c) Abigail doesn't enjoy any movie as much as a comedy. 3) The possibility of life on other planets is an intriguing question. a) There is no evidence of life on other planets. b) An interesting question is wether or not there exists life anywhere other than Earth. c) There are many unanswered questions regarding life on other planets. 4) Charlie Chaplin's performances always brought smiles to the faces of the viewers.  a) People who watched Charlie Chaplin perform were pleased every time. b) Watching a Charlie Chaplin performance sometimes made viewers smile. c) The performances of Charlie Chaplin always made viewers went to see more. 5) Jupiter and Saturn's moons might just harbour life. a) Jupiter and Saturn's moons definitely contain life. b) Jupiter and Saturn's moons definitely do not have living organisms. c) Jupiter and Saturn's moons could possibly contain life. 6) With a jolt of fear, everyone turned around to find Mr Hughes. a) Mr Hughes found everyone standing in fear. b) As the students turned to find Mr Hughes, they were no longer scared. c) In alarm, the students discovered Mr Hughes behind them. 7) As much as we know about the Solar System, a great deal remains a mystery. a) A lot remains unknown about the Solar System, despite the vast amount of information available. b) Even though we know a lot about the Solar System, we don't really understand the sun. c) Arthur Conan Doyle wrote great mysteries, but none about the Solar System. 8) I've worked as an actor for the past three years in a weekly television programme. a) The weekly television programme has been running for the past three years. b) For the past three years, acting in a weekly television programme has been my job. c) I have been watching the same weekly television programme for the past three years.


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