1) When they are 16, English students take… a) SATs if they want to go to university. b) A levels if they want to go to university. c) GCSEs. 2) When they are 18, English students take… a) SATs if they want to go to university. b) A levels if they want to go to university. c) GCSEs. 3) When they are 18, American students take… a) SATs if they want to go to university. b) A levels if they want to go to university. c) GCSEs. 4) Students in Britain can leave school when they are... a) 18. b) 14. c) 16. 5) Children have to wear a school uniform in most schools in England a) True b) False 6) Education in the UK is compulsory, but children don’t have to go to school. They could be educated at home. a) True b) False 7) American schools are not allowed to include prayers or to teach religious education. a) True b) False 8) Summer holidays in the UK last for: a) 8 weeks. b) 10 weeks. c) 6 weeks. 9) What do you get when you finish university? a) Diploma b) Degree c) Certificate 10) Which of the following is not a university in the USA? a) Eton b) Harvard c) Yale 11) What is the name of the dance party at the end of high school in America? a) Graduation b) Prom c) Costume party 12) What do you call girls who support school teams in the USA? a) Fans b) Cheerleaders c) Supporters


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