1) Can you remember ... my keys? I can't find them. a) seeing b) to see 2) Oh no! I forgot ... my mum a birthday card! She'll be very upset. a) sending b) to send 3) I couldn't arrive earlier. I had to stop ... some gas for my car. a) getting b) to get 4) You can forget ... out tonight! You haven't done your homework yet. a) going b) to go 5) Please, stop ... for a minute and just listen! a) talking b) to talk 6) I've stopped ... my car so much and walk as much as I can. a) using b) to use 7) You must remember ... aunt Anna when you're in town. She'll be happy. a) visiting b) to visit 8) You must remember ... aunt Anna last Friday! She told a very funny joke. a) visiting b) to visit 9) Remember ... your phone before you entre the cinema. a) turning off b) to turn off 10) She's not interested in you. So you can forget ... her out. a) asking b) to ask 11) I don't remember ... her at your wedding at all. a) meeting b) to meet 12) I stopped ... so much caffeine and now I feel much better. a) drinking b) to drink 13) We'll have to stop ... him a present on the way to the party. a) buying b) to buy 14) I didn't remember ... that email before I left my bedroom. a) sending b) to send 15) Have we really studied this topic before? I forget ... about it. a) reading b) to read 16) Why don't you stop ... on your computer and go outside for some fresh air? a) playing b) to play


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