Hi, my ____ is Gita. I'm eleven ____ old. I don't live ____ a city or a ____ like many other ____. I live on a ____ in the ____ near India. I don't walk ____ ride a bike to school ____ my ____ is on a boat ____. My ____ and I ____ to school every morning. At ____ we build ____ together with ____ teacher. We ____ learn ____ to catch fish. Every ____ I ____ my ____ catch fish. I'm a very good ____ and can swim ____ water for a ____ time. Sometimes I ____ in very ____ water to catch big fish. Tomorrow ____ going with my ____ to the city for the ____ time. I want to help my ____ sell fish ____ the market. ____ excited to ____ the ____ and shops there. I ____ we sell all the ____ we have!

טקסט מיצב אנגלית כיתה ה


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