1) Which of the following is true about this dot plot? a) The shape is skewed to the left b) The dot plot is bell shaped  c) The mean and median are both equal d) The mean is 6 e) The median is 10 2) Which information is NOT true about this dot plot a) Its skewed right b) Its symmetrical c) It shows frequency of bedtimes 3) Which is true about this box plot? a) The median is 5 b) The inter quartile range is 2.5 c) Q1 is 1.5 d) The third quartile is 4.5 4) True or False: When a dot plot is symmetrical, the mean and median are the same a) True b) False 5) True or False: When a dot plot is skewed right, the mean is less than the median a) True b) False 6) True or False: When a dot plot is skewed left, the mean is less than the median a) True b) False 7) Which graph shows a smaller standard deviation? a) Top Right Red b) Bottom Right Green c) Top Left Red d) Bottom Left Green 8) What do you need to start drawing a box plot? a) The standard deviation b) A dot plot c) The mean d) The five number summary e) The Interquartile Range f) Only the median 9) Which is an outlier in the following data set: 25, 38, 52, 76, 36, 54, 26, 375 a) 25 b) 25 and 375 c) 375 d) 52 e) There is no outlier 10) Which of the following expressions shows the formula for finding an outlier? a) IQR = Q3 - Q1 b) Q1 - 1.5 (IQR) c) Outlier = Median d) Q3 + 1.5 ( IQR)

Statistics Review


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