pediment  - triangular space at the top of the temple, sometimes with sculpture, Doric frieze  - alternating triglyphs (three vertical lines) and metopes (rectangular spaces, sometimes sculpted) , Ionic frieze   - a continuous sculpted frieze, caryatid          - female figure used in place of a column to support the architecture, Pythia - priestess who spoke the oracle at Delphi - selected from the best family, led a life of chastity and exercise, peribolos - the sanctuary itself, sacred land distinguished by wall or boundary stone, adyton - “forbidden room” at the back of the temple behind the naos, naos - main room of the temple where the image of the god was kept, omphalos - belly button, treasury - building looks like a temple, set up by city states to store religious dedications; is an offering itself, temenos - piece of land marked off for religious use, promanteia  - a right to consult the oracle first,


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